Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bio Force International announces acquisition of intellectual rights of LuxSauna

    October 25, 2010 /EIN Presswire/ -- Bio Force International LTD has acquired the domain name, trademark and all other intellectual assets as of Mid 2010. This is a healthy collaboration that will prove invaluable to the customer, the brand and enable far better representation and customer service-World Wide.

Bio-Force International LTD is a multi-national corporation with facilities in 5-countries, has been on the cutting edge of manufacturing far infrared products for nearly 20-years.

"We will maintain constant vigilance in assuring the highest quality products and service for years to come", states the Director of U.S.Distribution, P. Lucas.

The Benefits of using far infrared saunas by LuxSauna are well documented. The sense is that the brand will continue on its aggressive and prosperous path of revitalizing thousands more baby boomers every year who seek the anti-aging, weight loss and energizing capabilities of the far infrared Lux Saunas.

"While researching LuxSauna Inc., our background investigation revealed that LuxSauna Inc., despite selling many thousands of far infrared saunas each year since early 2000 had only recently been the subject of several online complaints" said Preston Lucas, Director of U.S. Distribution for LuxSauna. "Our initial thought was that any company selling this volume of product is likely to get some irreconcilable customer complaints. But that turned out not to be the case; with the LuxSauna ripoff reports, LuxSauna complaints and accusations of LuxSauna scams".

Further investigation revealed a more diabolical reality. Competitors have the ability to (sometimes) remain anonymous on the Internet. We found the majority and perhaps all of these complaints were not real.

The next step was to call and record conversations with many of these competitors. This was quite revealing as the exact same (false) complaints were voiced (and recorded) direct from certain competitors. We'll not list the names of these competitors at this time as we chose not to do business in this fashion. Even though ways to hide identity exist online we think this is neither ethical nor an effective long term strategy. Our inclination would be that any company that needs to try so hard to disgrace the competition has no real competitive edge and more importantly lacks the ethical standards required to yield long term legitimate business success. was the first to offer a lifetime warranty and a 90-day risk free trial. Bio Force will continue to offer a lifetime warranty on all of sauna cabinets, 5-years on electronic components and 1-year on ancillary equipment such as controllers and stereo equipment. Bio Force will endeavor to honor all customer service issues for the many thousands of customers of LuxSauna Inc., prior to July, 2010. Although it is not our legal obligation, we will however endeavor to render assistance to the extent that we are able. Bio Force has no contractual or legal obligations or connection with LuxSauna Inc., a Nevada Corporation. Anyone wishing to communicate with LuxSauna Inc., should endeavor to contact them directly.

To find out more about the Lux Sauna line of products, visit the website at

About Lux Sauna

Lux Sauna is a division of Bio-Force International LTD. Bio-Force acquired the domain name, trademark and intellectual assets of Lux Sauna in mid-2010. Bio Force has been a pioneer in far infrared sauna technology since early 1990. It manufactures a variety of far infrared products for commercial and consumer markets. Bio-Force is a multi-national corporation with facilities in five countries.


P. Lucas

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