Friday, October 15, 2010

Control and Audit Document Use with LockLizard PDF DRM Software

LockLizard is pleased to announce Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security, its latest Digital Rights Management (DRM) software product providing PDF DRM protection to the large publisher or corporate enterprise.
Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security prevents PDF copying, sharing, modifying and screenshots, controls document expiry, stops printing (or lets you control the number of prints allowed) and enforces dynamic watermarks displaying individual user details. You can track how your documents are used and instantly revoke access to them.

Administrators can perform batch actions on user, document, and publication records, and information can be readily imported, exported, and backed up. Advanced search and sort facilities, statistics, auditing and reports, ensure all important administration data is readily available for viewing, printing, and exporting.
Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security has significant appeal to both large publishers who want to know for marketing purposes what their most popular documents are, and the corporate enterprise that need to know for accountability purposes what users have viewed/printed confidential documents.
Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security entry level pricing is just $4995 for a subscription license, with perpetual and own server licenses available. More information can be found at

About LockLizard Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security

Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security provides PDF DRM protection for large publishers and corporate enterprises. Protect PDF documents from unauthorized viewing, copying, modifying, sharing, screen grabbing, saving, and distribution. Control who views your protected PDF documents, what they can do with them, and for how long. Control whether your protected PDF documents can be printed and how many times. Log system, user, and document activity. Instantly revoke access to your secure PDF documents at any time. View statistics, and generate reports to see how your information is being used.

About LockLizard

LockLizard is a DRM vendor that protects information from intellectual property theft. Our DRM software prevents copying, printing, screen grabbing, and sharing of information without the use of insecure passwords. More information on LockLizard DRM software can be found at

1 comment:

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